Thursday, April 11, 2013


Tomorrow, tomorrow
what a word, what a word
there's no sweeter a word
in all of the world.

Tomorrow, tomorrow
when my life starts anew--
O the things I'll get done!
O the things I'll do!

Tomorrow, tomorrow
not today! Not tonight!
The time isn't perfect
my mood isn't right!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
Tomorrow! Don't you see?
Tomorrow is when I'll
be all I can be.

Tomorrow, tomorrow
such a nice word to say
if-- I'm tired tomorrow
there's always the next day.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

the wanderer

let's get stoned
and happy
and wonder why--

we hold our breath
when those girls
wander by

up all night
just to see
na'vi vs. NoTide

the world's out there
I'm happy
here inside

fingers conjoin

heads-- no-- tails-- yes--
--says the coin
oh the coin...

feels alright
waking up
to friday night

I let myself
get behind

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I'm bored, and lost. And tired
My dates have all expired
I just sit. And nod my head
And play video games.

Ignored. Exhale and brood
In a filthy mood
The Lounging Dead
is my name.

Slam jazz piano chords
the coin-- of its own accord
cuts my way every day.