Wednesday, July 11, 2012


People still are so boring to me
conversation's rife with banality
mediocrity, and always that hidden insecurity
and I think

Why look
if there's nothing for me to see?
Why look
if there's nothing for me to see?

And after all these years I still hate myself
scared of the ghosts of my books not yet on my shelf.
The future draws nearer
I avoid my mirror
and I think

Why look
if there's nothing for me to see?
Why look
if there's nothing for me to see?
Why look
if there's nothing for me to see?

All the mantras I chanted in high school
are still so right it hurts
like "Everybody is so fucking stupid".
I'm not saying I'm smarter than everyone- or anyone
I'm saying

But despite all this...

I still love you and I still love me
and I only wish everybody to be happy

I look
and I'm happy that I can see
I look
it's good that there's anything to see
I look
maybe someone will look at me
I look
and I'm happy that I can see.